Debra and I flew into Newark and cabbed it into Manhattan Saturday afternoon. We met Mike our estimator and his wife Laura McGeachy who had arrived earlier that day. We were there for our 5 th consecutive exhibition of Peridot’s capabilities at MDM East. We checked into the Ace Hotel near Chelsea.

Very hip young crowd and the rooms were large and funky.

Guitar and turntable in every room!

Sunday was our day to explore Manhattan and we walked it from one end to the other. Highlight for me was the Hi-Line which is an elevated trackway that has been turned into an urban park and wonderfully executed.

Killer views of the city yet somehow felt apart from the hustle and bustle.

Monday we moved to the INK48 hotel near Javits and got the booth set up.

More sightseeing ensued.

Later that evening we attend a show, “Priscilla Queen of the Desert”. Lets just say it made my eyes and ears bleed.

Tuesday morning we are off to the show. Traffic was quite slow but we entertained visits from Maquet Cardiovascular, CR Bard, and Stryker.

Day 2 was much better and it was a pleasure to talk to some established customers who we don’t get to meet personally often enough.

Day 3 was an unmitigated disaster. 97 degree weather and high humidity slowed traffic to a crawl and we were glad when 3:00 rolled around. We had the booth packed and we were out of there by 5:00. Here is a view from our room at the Ink48.

MDM East moves to Philly next year and we will be sad to see it leave Manhattan. Was this years light attendance a failure of the operators to promote or a sign of the current economy? Not much enthusiasm on the floor amongst the exhibitors with many complaining about light attendance. Peridot is looking forward to the San Jose BioMed show in the fall, come and see what we have to offer!