Peridot will be exhibiting at the San Jose BioMed show next week December 4th and 5th. This coincided with Mother Nature’s conspiracy to keep me off the water this weekend so I went into the shop and fired up a laser. First up was proofing the cut file for the PlanB designed 2012 Christmas ornament to be mailed to our customers and partners. The final ornament will be in stainless steel but in the course of editing and tweaking the file I cut a few from colored acrylic. Have a Merry Peri (dot) Christmas!

I cut a few dozen of the Gingerbread man in various colors to give out at the show. Stop by and ask for one!
I noticed a folding literature rack as I was packing the case for the show and had an idea. I pulled up a couple of graphic files I had been working on and set up some green flourescent acrylic on the laser.

Each panel is 12×8.5 inch and made from 3 M thick acrylic.

And the finished grouping

Will be interesting to see if people that stop by the booth pay any attention.