We have been experimenting with graphic displays of data in a marvelous 3D format. 72 pcs individually laser cut and numbered in sequence to make assembly easier.

Took a half hour to piece it all together. The tiles were solvent bonded into the base.

The tiles are laser cut from 3 MM thick orange tint acrylic mounted into a 6MM laser cut black acrylic base. I glued a clear acrylic base on the bottom to allow for back lighting which gives a really cool edge lit effect. Here is another view:

The customer’s perception (much to my chagrin) was that “plastic” was not the preferred medium. So version 2 was proposed to be laser cut from 304 stainless steel. I bet the customer a six pack of micro brew that they would like the acrylic version better. As soon as I put together the SS version I knew I had lost the bet.

Looks pretty amazing!

Individual segments are 1/16 inch thick and the finished product is 7×30 inches.

Next version is likely to be laser cut fine hardwood.